Rename Google Sheets Files

Google Sheets have made life simpler in so many ways! Google Drive now allows users to create, edit, share and track changes in spreadsheets at the stroke of a few mouse clicks. You can perform all these actions anytime, anywhere from your computer, laptop, smartphone, and even tablet!

If it weren’t for Google Sheets, people would have still been facing problems in collaborating over a single Excel sheet. Luckily, thanks to Google, now multiple people can edit a spreadsheet at the same time, which means increased productivity and less lag time!

Ever since cloud services like Google Drive have emerged, the demand for hard drives and USBs has dropped significantly. After all, why would anyone pay for external devices when they can instantly create, save, and share Excel/sheet files online for free? Although Google Drive is built upon an amazing algorithm, there is one aspect where it is found wanting, i.e a feature that could automatically sort and rename files.

If you are an active Google Drive user, you will surely have come across a situation when all your data has become disorganized. In such a case, finding the right file from a heap of thousands of others could be quite a daunting task. One way to organize your Google Drive effectively is to rename all your files and to do so, Cloud File Renamer is just what you need.

Cloud File Renamer is the latest high-tech web service that has hit cyberspace. By following just a few simple steps, you can easily (and securely) rename your Google Drive files in bulk. That too, without having to download them!

  1. Go to and register via the Sign up with Google, Sign up with Hotmail or Create an Account button.
  2. Once you have logged into your account after the account registration and verification stage is over, select the Drive tab.
  3. Click the Add New Drive button and click Allow in the next prompt to grant the necessary permissions to Cloud File Renamer.
  4. Now select the folders which contain files you want to rename and then click the Load Files button.
  5. Now, you will be able to choose from 12 different renaming rules such as New Name, Replace Text, Remove Text, Trim Text, Numbering, Insert At, Swap, Title Case, Prefix, Suffix, Lower Case & Upper Case.
  6. Click the Add Rule button to add the rule to the renaming queue. You can check the New Name column to take a look at the preview before you launch the actual renaming process.
    Note: You can easily apply multiple renaming rules in a single go.
  7. Once you are satisfied with the changes, hit the Rename button and within moments, you will see all the changes go live in your Google Drive.

The best part about this whole process is that it is performed on the web so you don’t have to download any data at all. The whole process is highly secure and does not go anywhere near the file contents at all. More importantly, Cloud File Renamer does not store any of your data.

Cloud File Renamer is truly the one-stop solution to all your Google Sheets renaming needs.