Sometimes while your Windows 10 computer is idle, it shows the BSOD with the ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY error. This usually happens when your system encounters a problem with one or more installed drivers.

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Uninstall Problematic Driver

The STOP Screen clearly mentions the name of the driver that might have caused this error. Simply remove the concerning driver using the Device Manager tool.

  1. Press Windows Key + X; choose the Device Manager option.
  2. Expand the top node, and then expand the node that contains the problematic driver.
  3. Use the Uninstall option from the context menu of the problematic driver.
  4. Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation.


Update Driver Software

There are several causes varying in nature that can be blamed for the driver issue. It could be a driver bug, system compatibility issue or something else. Update the driver software as shown below:

  1. Open Device Manager; expand root nodes.
  2. Right-click the problematic driver and then choose the Update Driver Software option.
  3. In the new wizard that appears, you’ll be prompted to download a new version online or browse to select one from your HD or a DVD.


Roll Back Driver

Rollback to an earlier, functional version of the malfunctioning driver as a recently installed new update might have caused the error.

  1. Right-click the malfunctioning driver and choose Properties.
  2. Click the Driver tab.
  3. Click the Roll Back Driver button.


Check for Windows Updates

Check whether new Windows Updates are available from Microsoft. Initiate the download and install process as outlined below:

  1. Click Start | Settings.
  2. Click Update & Security icon.
  3. Click Windows Update to scan for latest updates.


Restore Driver Verifier

Restore the Driver Verifier settings to system defaults. Some of the recent changes may be behind this error.

  1. Open Command Prompt (With administrative privileges)
  2. Execute this command:
  • Verifier /reset
  1. Exit CMD and then reboot.