Unarc.dll Fixing Made Easy

Steam displays following error:

Error Code 6: File read operation failed: unarc.dll

Here are the manual steps to fix this error.

Performing game optimization is a trick game enthusiasts always recommend. This process helps optimize your computer’s settings so that you can make the most out of the game you really want to enjoy playing with your friends.
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Check Game Cache Integrity Issues

Close the Steam, re-load it as administrator using right-click menu options. Under Library section, you’ll find name of the game experiencing this error. Right-click its icon, choose Properties > Local Files tab > Verify integrity of game cache. The process will start and it may take a while. Once it is finished, it will automatically exit the screen.


Provide Appropriate Registry Permissions

  1. Go to the Registry subkey given below using Registry Editor tool, and then enable necessary permissions to read/ write information.
  2. Access the Registry Editor tool by pressing Windows Key + R and using “RegEdit” command. Once you’ve opened it, set full control for the “VALVE” subkey located in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE.
  3. To do so, open the Permissions dialog, set full control for both “System” and “Admin” categories and then save your changes, exit.


Change Default Language of Steam Client & Games

The language specified in the Interface tab of the Steam settings determines your Steam client and games language. However, titles shown by third parties may have their own different language. You may encounter the unarc.dll error when you’ve set an unsupported language or the required language files are missing or not yet downloaded.

First, log in to your Steam account, and then open Settings from the Steam main menu. Go to Interface tab, use the Language drop down box to select default language (English US). Save the changes, exit and re-open it again.


Restore Steam Backup

ave you got an earlier backup of the Steam client? Exit Steam completely; insert the Steam Backup disc in your DVD Drive, execute “SteamBackup.exe” file located at the root of the media. If the file is missing, download it from the official Steam website:


Change the Launch Configs

To bypass unarc.dll error, change the launch options in the following manner:

  1. Browse the default Steam installation directory given below: C:\Program Files\Steam\.
  2. Create a shortcut for the Steam.exe file on your Desktop, and then open the Properties dialog box from the context menu.
  3. Click Shortcut tab, and type “ –launchoption1” (without quotes), click Apply | OK.


Refresh Steam Client Components

Steam client files may be misconfigured, missing or corrupted. Refreshing Steam client components is a good way to ensure all files are uncorrupted.

  1. Close Steam; type “steam://flushconfig” in the Run dialog box and click OK.
  2. Click Allow when you’re prompted to visit a website.
  3. Delete the Desktop shortcut of Steam, and then restart your computer.
  4. Navigate to the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\.
  5. Create a Desktop shortcut for Steam.exe file, and run it.