TwitWipe Product Review

TwitWipe is a free tool that can help users wipe off unwanted tweets from their accounts.

Imagine that you created your Twitter account back in 2012 while you were stuck in an emotional phase but now you’re entering into the professional life and need to put your Twitter account on your resume. You wouldn’t want your potential employers to see awkward old posts of yours, right? Searching for and manually deleting each old tweet from so many years back will take you ages. TwitWipe is here to make your life easier.

Wipe All Your Tweets with a Spam-Free and Safe Technology

Use Easy Tweet Deleter Service. ETD Uses Official Twitter API

Why TwitWipe?

Using TwitWipe, a user can easily delete all their old tweets in a single go. Thanks to data science and analytics tools, this task can be performed with great simplicity.

All you’ve got to do is to log in to TwitWipe using your Twitter account. You’ll be asked to provide the necessary privileges to TwitWipe so that it can access your Twitter account. Once you have done so, you will be asked if you are sure you want to delete all your tweets. After you have confirmed this, the process will begin immediately.

The best thing? It’s absolutely free and effort-free.

Are There Any Limitations?

While TwitWipe is an outstanding tool, it does lack on a few fronts. For instance, it only allows users to delete up to 3200 tweets. If there are still any tweets left, a user will have to delete them manually. Although this limit should be enough in most cases, it is possible that it might not suffice a user’s full needs.

Another important point to note is that TwitWipe wipes off all tweets in one go without applying any filter. So in case you want to delete tweets from a particular time period or on the basis of a keyword, this particular tool won’t be able to help you.

Here’s another flaw: it takes A LOT of time. Yes, even TwitWipe’s official website confesses this. Since there are a lot of people using their servers at the same time, the service usually becomes quite slow. You might have to leave your device switched on overnight.

One more aspect you need to keep in mind is that TwitWipe does not have an undo option. Once you wipe off your tweets, they are permanently gone and there’s no going back. So in case you end up deleting a tweet that you didn’t intend to, sorry but there’s no way out.


As you might have observed, there are more concerns than plus points. Thus, it is only wise to use TwitWipe if you are 100% certain that you want to wipe off ALL your old tweets and won’t need them back.