Lightroom 5 Runs Painfully Slow

Adobe Lightroom 5 has proven to be a heaven for digital photographers, media professionals, travel bloggers etc. It is a very sophisticated photo editing tool designed by Adobe Systems Inc.

to help with all kinds of tasks that these professionals need to perform with regards to enhance an image. Lightroom sometimes freezes out while performing these tasks and this is what we’re out to address today.


Use System/Service Optimizer

In most cases, computers are under immense load. Infinite services, resource-intensive programs and system junk upends computer performance. Using a holistic utility can help tame your fidgety PC. One such program is the RegInOut System Utilities. You can use it with confidence to increase Lightroom speed on your Windows computer.

Optimize your Computer for Best Performance

RegInOut System Utilities is 100% secure and downloaded from official site


Reduce Standard Previews

The Standard Preview feature in Lightroom 5 combines with the raw engine camera to process data. However, if the size of the Standard Preview is different from that of the computer display, the user will surely experience performance glitches. In such a scenario, you can change the settings as follows:

  1. Click Edit | Catalog Settings.
  2. Select Minimal Preview.


Set the Optimum Screen Resolution

Make sure that the Screen Resolution of your computer/ laptop always matches with the longest edge of the Standard Preview, for the best possible Lightroom experience.

  1. Type Screen Resolution in the Search Box.
  2. Select Change the Screen Resolution.
  3. Now, the Advanced Display Settings page from the Settings window will open up.
  4. Select the appropriate Screen Resolution from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Apply.


Select A Different Hard Drive as Cache Location

The default cache location for Lightroom 5 should always be different from the one used by other programs on your computer. If you use a single hard disk, assign a different hard drive to the cache. If you use an external source (USB, Memory card), use the HDD as the cache location.

  1. Open the Preferences dialog.
  2. Open the File Handling tab.
  3. Click Choose. Navigate to the location which you wish to be selected as the new cache location.


Optimize Catalog

As the images’ directory grows with time, it leads to the eventual slowdown in Lightroom 5’s performance. The Optimize Catalog option is there to offset the effects of this clogging up, and it should be periodically used for best results.

  1. Click File.
  2. Select Optimize Catalog.


Increase Camera Raw Cache Size

Adobe Systems Inc. has incorporated several features that help prop up Lightroom 5’s performance depending on the user’s selection. One such option is the Raw Camera Cache, which by default is set at 1 GB. However, users can easily increase this size to their liking. Heres how:

  1. Click on Preferences.
  2. Click the File Handling tab.
  3. Specify the new size (in GBs) in the textbox under Camera Raw Cache Settings.