Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Stutters, Lags and Freezes

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an epic tale of the bitter times of the Roman Empire. It is fun to play, and a true adventure for anyone who loves games based on historical reference.


The game is built over multiple chapters and available for PS4, Xbox and Windows.

Fix the lags, freezes and stutters in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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The Problem

Even though Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an adventure game with HD graphics, high quality game play, and a smooth storyline, the problem lies in the game suffering from continuous lags, stutters or even the occasional freezes. Most gamers have said that this is a glitch by Warhorse Studios, the developer, but sadly no patch is available for it.

Some gamers were able to work out the problem using a few simple tweaks. How they did it, and what resources they used, we will tell you all about it in the following lines.


Solution #1: Limit the Processor Cores

Simply download Battle Encoder Shirase that limits the processor cores and prevents load on one of them to 100% that may cause stutters and small freezes.

  1. Download BES tool and store it anywhere on your hard drive
  2. Load the game and then open the tool.
  3. You will see the Kingdomcome.exe process. Press the Target button.
  4. Now select Limit This and then the percentage -2%. This means your game can use a maximum of 98% of the computer process.
  5. Minimize the tool and enjoy your game.

Note: This tool works well with multiple other games as well. So, whenever you experience the stuttering problem, you can put it to good use.

One thing to note here is that you will have to do this every time you run the game. However, you can make a batch file to avoid that. To do so, simply download batchfilemaker.exe and follow the instructions on the screen.

Please note, by using the BES file to control resources, the game FPS will drop.


Set the Affinity Manually

You can also do so manually by opening the Task Manager and changing the affinity.

  1. Open up the Task Manager.
  2. Select the process (Kingdomcome.exe).
  3. Select the Performance tab and go to the process that is freezing.
  4. Right-click it and select Go to details.
  5. In the new tab that opens up, select the process again, right-click it and select Set affinity.
  6. You first have to uncheck <All processors> and select one or two processors at the most.

Gamers who have tried this process have reported that it causes more FPS lags than when using the BES.exe file to control CPU processors. So, if that is happening, simply restart your PC and use BES.exe instead of manually changing the process control.


Solution #2: Turn Off Protection

If you turn off Windows Defender’s real time protection, just disable it in this level and it will work smoothly.


Solution #3: Change to borderless screen

You can also play in the borderless mode instead of the fullscreen mode, as many gamers have said that will reduce the lag within the game.

However, the borderless mode is bad for frame rate though, as it will reduce the FPS significantly and you will only get around 2040 FPS.


Solution #4: Nvidia PhysX Settings

For those users who have the Nvidia Graphics card, they can disable the PhysX configurations to start the game.

  1. Go to the Nvidia Control Panel.
  2. Select SLI and PhysX Configurations (or PhysX Settings).
  3. Select GPU under the PhysX Settings.

You may still experience baby freezes but they happen after long intervals so you will not actually feel them.


Solution #5: Upgrading Windows

One way to remove the lag is by upgrading Windows from 7 to 10. The upgrade process can prove very handy at the end by reducing the lag and freeze in the game significantly.

You can easily perform the upgrade from Microsoft’s website.

Please note that you may have to reinstall some drivers afterwards. Also, upgrading the Graphics driver will not fix the problem, sadly.


Solution #6: Reduce VSync and Increase FPS in Console

Reducing V-sync has turned out to be a beneficial option for many gamers. It can easily be done through the console.

Simply, press the ~ key and the console window will open in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

If you want to make the settings permanent, simply go to the installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance by default).

  1. Make a new file called user.cfg, and place it in the installation directory.
  2. Open the new file in Notepad.
  3. Write the following in the file:
    r_VSync 0
    sys_MaxFPS 75 (or any other value – higher FPS are preferred).
  4. Save the file and run the game.

Sources: Steam