Fix OSU Game Lagging in Windows 10

Experiencing lags with OSU game is very common. Your current FPS setting restricts game to use limited FPS or the GPU

Acceleration is turned on. Let us look at each factor in detail. Before that it is recommended you optimize your computer settings for maximum game performance. Use the DEEP CLEAN features of ST Cleaner which can easily make OSU lag-free. Download it here:

Speed Up OSU Game and Clean Windows

ST Cleaner software download follows Clean Software Association guidelines

Discontinue Mixed GPU Acceleration

Your computer is currently configured to use the GPU Acceleration and multiple display features. This means the NVIDIA settings aren’t properly configured.

  1. Right-click on an empty area of the Desktop and choose NVIDIA Control Panel. Alternatively, you can open it from the Start Screen.
  2. Make sure that all additional monitors are disabled.
  3. Set the Display Type to Single Display Performance Mode.
  4. Save the changes and exit.


Modify Native HUD Resolution

Modify the shooter UI configurations and change the native HUD resolution as follows:

  1. Click Start, and then File Explorer.
  2. Click the Documents icon under Quick Access category in the left panel.
  3. Open the following directory:
    …\My Games\Unreal Engine 3\ShooterGame\Config\
  4. Right-click ShooterUI.ini file and choose Open with | Notepad.
  5. Click Edit | Find in the newly opened file.
  6. Type NativeHUDResolution and click Find Next.
  7. Replace the line as follows:
    NativeHUDResolution=(X=0, Y=0) 
  8. Click File | Save.
  9. Exit the file.


Set Unlimited Frame Rate

Your game may be restricted to use a limited Frames Per Second. Make sure your FPS aren’t limited to 60.

  1. Go to the Game Settings page.
  2. Go to General > Frame Rate.
  3. Set the Frame Rate to Unlimited.


Force Load BeatMap

If you’re experiencing the OSU game lag after loading new BitMap, refresh it using F5 key and then force load it using the database file (.db extension). Locate the root folder where you’ve extracted the downloaded contents.


Turn Off Background

Does your game load a background during gameplay? Go to Settings > Playfield. Click Default Background Dim and disable it. If you see any contents in the Map folder, move them to the Recycle Bin.


Delete Downloaded Bitmap

Go to the Hexis\Data\BeatMaps folder and check whether new Beatmaps are installed or not. If any new Beatmaps are found, delete them.